About us

Qui sommes nous ?

GravelUp, c’est l'histoire de 3 quadra (ou presque) rencontrés à l’autre bout du monde, qui ont décidé de se lancer dans une aventure un peu folle ! On avait chacun notre histoire, nos parcours de vie, mais une passion commune pour le voyage et le vélo.

Sur la photo ci-dessous, c'est nous : Aurel, JB et Oliv. Comme beaucoup d'entre vous on a eu envie de changer de vie, envie de retrouver notre liberté. Alors quelques mois plus tard est née GravelUp: une agence d'un nouveau genre pour vous emmener découvrir les plus belles chaînes de montagne européennes sur votre futur meilleur ami : un vélo gravel.

👉 En lire plus sur notre histoire ici dans le 1er article de notre journal


After 13 years traveling the world for a large hotel group, my vision of tourism has changed to offer more authentic and local experiences. Gravel practice and cycling adventure have allowed me to envision a new form of performance combining my two passions: travel and surpassing oneself through sport.

We only have one life so kudos Hunter S Thomson:

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!"



Sometimes you have to go far from home to come back to it. Back from Shanghai with my family in the summer of 2021 after 10 years traveling the landscapes of China and South East Asia by bike, here I am back on this magnificent continent that is Europe with this thirst for adventure, discoveries and encounters.



In life, there are years that mark more than others. 2021 was the year for action - the year where I left the comfort of a career in Finance to live the present moment off the beaten tracks - the year where I join 2 amazing entrepreneurs in a project full of meaning, and for which I fully shares values: freedom, exploration, truth, sharing.


We are surrounded by a team as passionate as it is competent:

Orlane | Our destination manager, who will make you happy!

Maxime Clémence et Julien | Our travel advisors who will answer any of your question

Thomas | Our Artistic Director, by our side since the very beginnings of the adventure

Angèle | In charge of communication, full of energy and passion

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We are supported by 6 advisors:

Armelle Solehlalh | Entrepreneur, Business Angel, Board member, Author - Agence SWITCH

Richard Collomb-Patton | General Manager France - Scott

Romain Millet | General Manager - MMG (Millet Mountain Group)

Grégory Mollet-Viéville | Co-Founder - CYD (Conquer Your Day)

Matthieu Robert | Leader of the "Decathlon Pass - Mobile application around the ski pass" project - at Décathlon France

Boris Stephan | Digital Marketing Manager - Petzl

We are also proud member of Réseau Entreprendre Paris and we were incubated at OSV (Outdoor Sports Valley), a startup accelerator specializing in Outdoor, in Annecy, during 2 years.

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Notre concept

Un voyage est une expérience qui se vit sur le moment présent et qui se doit parfois d’être réalisée à l’instinct, surtout en gravel !
Un voyage GravelUp, c'est une invitation à vous laisser guider pour une déconnexion totale, ce n’est pas une course, mais une aventure à partager.

On part ensemble, on termine ensemble. C’est ça l’esprit GravelUp.

👉 En savoir plus sur le concept par ici.


At some point in our lives, we have all been looking for some taste of extreme. But we have been hesitating by either lack of time, training or self confidence.

With GravelUp, it is finally possible !

Here is what is waiting for you in our expeditions :


It is all about climbing summits. And this what we will have you do during our expeditions: climb the summits from the most pristine european mountain ranges.

So yes there will be some incline, some physical challenge but mostly a total immersion in the mountain eco systems.

At GravelUp we are convinced that crossing mountains on a bike makes you Happy.


We propose you a new style of performance. This is not competition or time chrono but (really) to elevate yourself in your mind by reconnecting to yourself, to the others and to our planet earth.

Our expeditions are meant to be transformative, full of exchange and sharings between our guides, our partners and our Gravel Uppers.


Our system of levels will give you the opportunity to progress in your practice of biking adventures. Each completed expedition will make you access to the next challenge and we are here to accompany you and have you progress. Unlocking the next destination is your challenge.



Launched in 2022 our start-up is growing, month after month, stay after stay. We built our team and our trips so that the participants take as much pleasure as possible and leave with memories full of head and some aches but not too much.

You will find below a selection of articles in the French press that illustrate our state of mind and our vision of gravel ⬇️.

Read all the articles here.